College Loans Say Uncle

May 30, 2010

The $50,000 college bill hasarrived. Harvard recently announced that the cost of tuition, room, board and other fees will come to $50,724 for the 2010-2011 academic year. Yale sets those outlays at $49,800 but estimates the total cost of attendance at $52,900, including books and personal expenses. Other universities are in the same neighborhood.

Many colleges are less expensive, and scholarships may be available. Nonetheless, some clients will find it difficult to pay college expenses solely from earnings and savings. To fill the gap, they may have to borrow-and they will soon discover that the procedure has changed.

For years, most college students and parents who got federal student loans did so through the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program. Most colleges and universities participated in this program; eligible students at those schools would get federally guaranteed loans through banks or other lending institutions. Colleges that didn't participate in FFEL were in the Direct Loan program, with loans coming straight from Uncle Sam.

That structure has changed, an unlikely part of the new healthcare legislation, says Patrick Kandianis, co-founder of SimpleTuition, a student loan comparison site. "Starting this July, all lending from the bank-based FFEL program will be transferred to the Direct Loan program. Private banks will no longer make government-backed loans to students, and all federal loans will originate in the Direct Loan program."

Thus, all colleges and universities that want students to have access to federal student loans must be in the Direct Loan program. "The money is there," Kandianias says. "There shouldn't be a shortfall in the federal Direct Loan program, so college loans will be available."

The types of loans available won't change, just the funding mechanism. This should streamline a process that often confused the people it was designed to serve and was misused by unscrupulous lenders and college administrators. Equally important, some federal student loans may become easier to obtain and carry lower interest rates, while new repayment rules will provide a better deal for loans made after June 2014. Advisors hope the changes will ease clients' anxiety about college funding and encourage them to focus on their own financial needs, as well as those of their children.


What difference will the new law make? The entire process will be far less confusing for families, says Deborah Fox, who heads Fox College Funding in San Diego. "In the past, families found it difficult to understand the differences between the two loan distribution systems and determine which application process applied to them."

Kal Chany, president of Campus Consultants, a financial aid counseling firm in New York, concurs that the new system might be less cumbersome for students. "They won't have to shop around to find a lender as they did with the FFEL program," he says. "After they have a loan, they won't be dealing with different entities-a lender, a guarantor, a servicer-as they might have had to do with FFEL loans." Indeed, by cutting out the middlemen, the Congressional Budget Office figures the government will save $68 billion over the next 10 years,

According to Fox, shopping for a FFEL lender was far from simple. "Families had to figure out which lender to use, so most would choose a lender from the college's 'preferred' list," she says. "Those weren't necessarily the lenders that offered the most competitive rates and terms." (Fox notes that the student loan scandals that erupted in 2007 revealed that lenders were providing schools with kickbacks in order to be included on the preferred list.)

"These private educational loans have variable interest rates with no caps, potentially much higher origination fees and no qualification for the more flexible repayment terms that are available through the Direct Loan program," she says. "With all loans going through the Direct Loan program, the whole process will be streamlined." The student or parent will inform the school they want access to a federal education loan, the college will provide a Master Promissory Note for them to fill out and the loan will get funded by the federal government.


Education transformed At UCLA

May 12, 2010

Education transformed. At UCLA, students
and faculty work together to energize and
rejuvenate the communities in which they
live. The challenges and rewards of a UCLA
education attract students with exceptional
levels of academic preparation
and intense interests in intellectual and
personal growth. UCLA students make up
one of the world’s most ethnically diverse
groups and the largest student body in the
UC system, creating a truly innovative and
vibrant campus.

UCLA offers renowned undergraduate programs in every principal
academic fi eld — some 130 undergraduate majors in 109 academic
departments with 5,000 courses. Undergraduates may select an academic
program from the College of Letters and Science, Henry Samueli
School of Engineering and Applied Science, School of the Arts and Architecture,
School of Nursing, and School of Theater, Film, and Television.
Most of the undergraduate programs are housed in the College of Letters
and Science, which is organized into divisions of social sciences,
life sciences, physical sciences and humanities.
Students may augment their coursework by participating in the
Honors Program, small seminars and discussion-oriented classes,
research, community service projects, internships and study abroad
programs.Open to all students, the Honors Collegium creates a community
atmosphere in small, interdisciplinary courses. It encourages
extensive interaction between students and faculty across campus,
including the graduate professional schools. More than 75 collegium
courses are offered each year.
Many UCLA students conduct important, publishable research in collaboration
with senior faculty, often as early as their freshman year.
Two undergraduate research centers — one for humanities and social
sciences, the other for life sciences and physical sciences — help undergraduates
identify mentors from every discipline.
UCLA’s international studies programs are among the most diverse of
any American university. The UCLA International Institute comprises
24 multidisciplinary centers that focus on major regions of the world
and global issues that cut across regional boundaries. Each year more
than 600 UCLA students participate in the Education Abroad Program.
More than 4,000 scholars and scientists make up the UCLA faculty,
which includes fi ve Nobel laureates, as well as Guggenheim fellows,
recognized for distinguished research and exceptional promise for the
future, and MacArthur fellows, recipients of “genius grants” recognizing
intellectual creativity and promise. UCLA faculty are distinguished
members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, National
Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Science and the Institute
of Medicine.
Making the community a better place through public service, UCLA
students work as mentors to disadvantaged children, as tutors in literacy
projects and as volunteers in myriad community endeavors.
Undergraduates can even minor in Civic Engagement or Disability
Studies. Internship and fi eld of study programs, such as the Washington,
D.C., Internship Program, provide valuable hands-on experience.


UC Irvine | Interdisciplinary and cutting-edge research

Interdisciplinary and cutting-edge research
are hallmarks of UC Irvine. Since its founding
in 1965, UCI has been a driving force
of innovation and discovery that benefi ts
local, national and global communities.
The campus is a center for educational
excellence, fostering a passionate and
enthusiastic expansion of knowledge and
scholarship. UCI attracts many of the most
accomplished, interesting, and energetic
students and faculty to its incomparable
Southern California location.

UC Irvine is noted internationally for its rich academic programs and
stellar faculty. Our long-standing commitment to undergraduate
education and research excellence yields a wealth of outstanding
programs across all academic disciplines.
Irvine’s distinctive undergraduate research programs allow students
to work closely with faculty mentors as early as the freshman year.
Those who are new to the campus fi nd that at UCI the strengths of
a large research university are combined with the friendly feel of a
small college. In fact, students may even fi nd themselves conducting
research for or attending a lecture by a Nobel laureate — UCI’s prestigious
faculty and researchers are that accessible! All undergraduates
on the UCI campus can participate in the Undergraduate Research
Opportunities Program. In learning how to conduct research, students
develop skills they will use throughout their lives, such as critical
analysis, problem-solving and communication. Our students access
research opportunities in every discipline and can carry out their work
at outside agencies, including national laboratories, industrial partners,
community service agencies and other universities.
Students may choose from more than 75 undergraduate majors, 50
minors, and myriad specializations, concentrations and emphases
offered by the Claire Trevor School of the Arts, School of Biological
Sciences, The Henry Samueli School of Engineering, College of Health
Sciences, School of Humanities, Donald Bren School of Information and
Computer Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, School of Social Ecology,
School of Social Sciences and the Paul Merage School of Business.
UCI encourages study abroad and offers opportunities through the
UC Education Abroad Program and the International Opportunities
Program (IOP). Students may choose from 150 host universities in 33
countries around the world and can experience a different culture
while making progress toward their degrees. IOP provides information,
counseling, and assistance in placing students in international study,
short-term employment, fi eld research, volunteer work, internships
and non-credentialed teaching abroad.
The Campuswide Honors Program and Humanities Honors Program
are open to outstanding students in all majors. The programs’ special
curricula feature seminar-style classes, independent research projects
or creative performance, and mentorship from top UCI faculty. Majorspecifi
c honors programs at the upper-division level and several
Excellence in Research programs are also available.


UC Davis

Embracing a century of learning, discovery
and engagement, UC Davis provides
undergraduates with a rewarding experience
while preparing them for success
after graduation. Students benefit from
a wide range of academic and extracurricular
programs, an interdisciplinary
research community and an abundance
of opportunities to make an impact on
society. With a student body drawn from
every state and more than 75 countries,
UC Davis is enriched by cultural traditions
from around the world.

UC Davis is characterized by a distinguished faculty of scholars, scientists
and artists, a treasured sense of community, and dedication to
innovative teaching, research and public service.
Involvement in residential academic theme and honor programs,
internships, research and volunteer service typify student life. More
than half of our undergraduates work side by side with faculty members
on research projects and in creative endeavors. In one of the
nation’s largest internship programs, more than 6,000 students gain
professional experience in full- and part-time positions each year.
Students can earn degrees in more than 100 majors in 16 disciplines
from the undergraduate colleges: College of Agricultural and Environmental
Sciences, College of Biological Sciences, College of Engineering
and College of Letters and Science.
The College of Engineering features the broadest undergraduate
engineering program in the UC system, offering the most accredited
majors in 15 different fi elds. Our College of Letters and Science prepares
students for international affairs with the major in Middle East/
South Asia Studies.
The School of Education offers a minor to undergraduates that introduces
them to educational theory, research and practice, and gives them
the opportunity to work in local schools and the community. The Graduate
School of Management’s Technology Management minor helps
undergraduates develop critical business talent in science-related fi elds.
Shields Library, one of the top research libraries in North America, contains
more than 3.18 million volumes and offers many special services
for undergraduates. Other notable resources include the 150-acre
Arboretum, Bodega Marine Laboratory, Genome Center, Human Performance
Laboratory, John Muir Institute of the Environment, Tahoe
Environmental Research Center and the X-Ray Crystallographic Facility.
UC Davis students prepare for graduate and professional school and
careers through courses, work experiences and leadership training.
Within a year of graduation, 65 percent of undergraduates who earned
degrees in June 2005 were working full time or were studying for or
had completed a postgraduate degree. A large majority (86 percent)
attended their fi rst- or second-choice postgraduate institution.


academic records in UC Berkeley’s

Cal students have more in common than their strong academic
records — they all have demonstrated the potential to add to UC
Berkeley’s rich intellectual environment and spirit of pluralism.
Berkeley’s academic programs are recognized internationally for
their excellence. More than 7,000 courses and more than 100 undergraduate
majors are available in the sciences, humanities, arts, social
sciences and natural resources. Students also may design their own
undergraduate majors. Nearly 100 freshman and sophomore seminars
are offered each semester, featuring small classes on topics of
special interest to the professors.
Even fi rst-year students may fi nd themselves in a classroom with one
of Berkeley’s 131 members of the National Academy of Sciences, 28
MacArthur fellows, 299 members of the Academy of Arts and Sciences,
14 National Medal of Science awardees or four Pulitzer Prize
winners. These faculty members and their distinguished colleagues
choose to teach and study at Berkeley because of its legacy of innovative
thinking and its exceptional standard for scholarship.
Through the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program, students
reap the benefi t of attending a renowned research university by getting
hands-on, real-life experience in the labs of some of the foremost
researchers working today.
Berkeley has one of the top university libraries in the nation. With well
over 10 million volumes and more than 400 special collections, Berkeley’s
library holdings are the fourth-largest in North America and
have been ranked fi rst in the United States among public libraries by
the Association of Research Libraries. In addition to the Doe/Moffi tt
libraries for undergraduates, some three dozen subject-specifi c and
affi liated libraries serve schools and programs across campus.
Distinguished museums of anthropology, paleontology and science,
and the Berkeley Art Museum, which includes one of the country’s
leading fi lm exhibition centers, the Pacifi c Film Archive, are all housed
on campus.
The Berkeley campus is divided into 14 colleges and schools, most of
which are subdivided into departments. Colleges and schools that
offer programs for undergraduates are the Haas School of Business,
College of Chemistry, College of Engineering, College of Environmental
Design, College of Letters and Science, and College of Natural
Resources. The College of Letters and Science is the largest, comprising
more than half the campus’s faculty and nearly three-quarters of its
undergraduate students.


UC Berkeley

A place of brimming curiosity and passion
for learning, UC Berkeley is truly a
prototype of a contemporary university.
One of the world’s leading academic institutions,
it attracts the best and brightest
applicants, generating an ethnically and
culturally diverse student population and
providing one of the fi nest undergraduate
learning experiences available. Students
learn from leaders in every fi eld and take
advantage of the intellectual stimulation
of the nation’s most outstanding scholars
and educators.


The University Makes an Impact

In medicine: UC trains two-thirds of the state’s
medical students. We also teach nurses, dentists,
pharmacists and optometrists.

In biotech: UC scientists have founded one in
three biotech fi rms in California, and 85 percent
of the state’s biotech companies employ scientists
and engineers with degrees from UC.

In education: More than 2,300 future teachers
enroll in our credential programs each year.

In business: UC educates students for the
fastest-growing professions, contributing to
the best-educated and best-trained workforce
in the world.

In agriculture: With the help of UC’s extension
programs, California farmers produce more than
half of the nation’s fruits, nuts and vegetables.


Introducing the University California

Introducing the University provides an overview
of University of California resources, as well as a tour
of our campuses. It explains admission and selection policies,
application procedures and fi nancial aid — it has all the
tools you need to take the next step toward a UC education.
The information in this booklet is current as of press time.
For the most up-to-date information, visit our website
( and those of
our campuses (listed beginning on page 60).

2 Introducing UC
The University is an
energetic community of
bright students and distinguished
faculty. Find
out what opportunities
it holds for you.
• Why a Research
• Housing
• Education Abroad
• UC in D.C. and
8 Choosing a Campus
10 Berkeley
12 Davis
14 Irvine
16 Los Angeles
18 Merced
20 Riverside
22 San Diego
24 San Francisco
26 Santa Barbara
28 Santa Cruz


Financial Aid , Rankings and Recognitions in california university

Financial AidFifty
percent of all CSUEB students receive financial
aid of some type including need-based aid, work study, and non-need-based scholarships. Annually, the University awards more than $57 million in financial aid, including scholarships, state and federal grants and loans, and Work-Study.

Rankings and Recognitions• Recognized as a “Best in the West” university for four years running (2005–08) by The Princeton Review
• Rated a “Best Business School” in 2007 and 2008 by The Princeton Review
• Ranked a “top-tier” institution among master’s-granting universities in the West for 2008 by U.S. News & World Report
• Designated a “Publisher’s Pick” by Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine in 2006 for effectiveness in recruiting, enabling, and graduating Hispanic students
• Named a “national model” in 2005 by the Lumina Foundation and Syracuse University for innovative freshman learning communities
• Winner of 79 athletic conference championships and six national collegiate championships, with more than 190 All-Americans and Academic All-Americans since 1961
Economic Impact4
• Contributes $341 million/year to regional economy
• Supports more than 4,600 regional jobs
• Generates $19 million in tax revenue
• Alumni attribute $1 billion/year to their CSUEB degrees
• Leads the CSU in producing credentialed math and science teachers

Awarded more than $13.7 million in sponsored project contracts
and grants in the 2007-08 academic year



CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, EAST BAY is the San Francisco East Bay area’s high-access public university of choice. CSUEB serves the region with two scenic campuses — one in the Hayward Hills overlooking San Francisco Bay and the other in Concord. The University also operates a state-of-the-art professional development center in downtown Oakland and an innovative online campus, making it the California State University system’s e-learning leader. With a growing enrollment of more than 14,000, the University attracts students from throughout the region and state, as well as from more than 80 countries around the world. Named a “Best in the West” college and a “Best Business School” by the influential Princeton Review, Cal State East Bay offers a nationally recognized freshman year experience, award-winning curriculum, personalized instruction, distinctly pragmatic and applied learning, and expert faculty. Students choose from among more than 100 professionally focused fields of study for which the University confers bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and an Ed.D. in education. Today, the University is among the region’s foremost producers of teachers, business professionals and entrepreneurs, public administrators, literary and performing artists, and science and math graduates.


Waitrose / Lancaster University Collaboration

The collaboration incorporates a framework agreement under which Waitrose,
its supply chain and the University through the Lancaster Environment Centre
(LEC) join in research projects and staff training focused on issues concerning
climate change and environmentally sensitive agronomy. This is a domain
core to both Waitrose known brand values and the LEC’s work. The approach
introduced the potential of working together rather than a particular project
which provided a strong basis for a developing partnership. It originated in an
approach from Lancaster not with a specific project in mind but indicating a
willingness to collaborate on projects of mutual interest. The collaboration is in
its second period and this time has allowed the university, the company and its
supply chain to identify how best to work together for mutual benefit.


Developing university-business interactions

When institutions are the objects of selection (as opposed to individuals), this can evolve in a
number of diff erent and contrasting ways. Institutions are often the ‘hosts’ of individuals with
whom the company wishes to work based on prior history or because they are identifi ed as
leaders in their particular fi eld. Institutions may be selected because they have a critical mass of
expertise and are likely to continue to do so because of their international pre-eminence and the
consequent expected longevity of the critical mass of relevant expertise.

In the cases studied there are no examples of individual projects where we can identify that
the selection of the mode of interaction was considered separately from the formulation of the
objectives of the project, except where a company decided to join an existing consortium. There
may however be a strategic assessment of the modes of interaction based on experience which
predisposes a company to interact in a particular way.


out from Manchester University was based

This spin out company from Manchester University was based on the research of its
founder, Alasdair Rawsthorne. Prior to the founding Alasdair had been a lecturer in
computer science for over 20 years, this after a spell in hardware product development
in industry. But the challenge addressed by Alisdair’s research which led to the founding
of the company was the product of 3 years spent both full and part time on sabbatical
in a company developing supercomputers. Changes in target processor architecture
and consequent rework led him to ask the question as to whether or not it was both
theoretically and practically possible to develop an approach to developing computer
instruction sets which was generic, transportable and of high performance.
This direct engagement with a market challenge led to a body of research and feasibility
studies by Alasdair and a series of student and post graduate research projects which he
supervised and led to the development of the technology platform. Alasdair himself played
a major role in dealing with potential investors. However the ‘killer’ application which
would attract the seed investment needed to form the company proved hard to identify.
A history of poorly performing ‘emulators’ had created a poor product perception; this
needed a detailed understanding of the technology to overcome discussions with potential
investors and early stage customers. It was finally through the direct interaction between
Alasdair, the lead investors (Pond Venture Partners and the ManTech Fund) and potential
major US customers in which Pond were instrumental in making the introductions and
setting up the early presentations that significant traction was obtained from the
market. Although the company gained the legal right to exploit the technology through
the licence and then assignment of the original inventions from the university, the real
knowledge transfer took place through Alasdair himself and the hiring of several of his
ex-students and colleagues into the company. The company set up its development centre
in Manchester in order to continue to recruit from the university, although the commercial
HQ was established close to major customers in the US, in California.
Douglas Hague (2006) in ‘Oxford Entrepreneurs’ described the frequent need for small
start up companies to “wiggle” (rather than drift) in the development and implementation
of their strategy.
This applied to Transitive. After the seed investment the final nature of the “killer
application” which spurred the growth of the company through several rounds of
investment needed several modifications before the first major revenue earning contracts
were agreed. The company now has major commercial partnerships with significant
market constituents such as IBM, Sun, Apple and Intel and in February 2008 celebrated
the milestone of achieving 10,000,000 commercial shipments worldwide.


Universities, Business and Knowledge Exchange

2.1 Interventions to stimulate business university interactions
Since 1993, with the introduction of the Realising Our Potential Awards report, there has been an
increased focus by the UK government on the impact of interactions between universities and
business. This has grown in importance as globalisation has increased the perceived importance
of the UK developing an innovative knowledge based economy. More recently there has been
a recognition that other domains of research and sectors such as creative, media and fi nancial
services also contribute to economic growth but the focus of policy remains on science and
The White Paper Our Competitive Future in 1998 (DTI, 1998) committed the Government to
support business in developing knowledge based competition and made specifi c reference to the
important rôle of universities. Separate initiatives since then have provided funds for universities
to invest in diff erent types of knowledge transfer projects. For example, the University Challenge
Seed Fund launched in 1998 was aimed at projects that moved technology closer to the market
and acted as a springboard for spin out companies. The Science Enterprise Challenge provided
funds for projects in Entrepreneurial Education and Higher Education Reach Out to Business and
the Community (HEROBAC) and its descendant, the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF)
provided funds to universities to improve their interaction with business. HEIF is the current means
of funding and its third generation (HEIF 3) provided some £200m over 2 years from 2006. HEIF 4
allocations for 2008 – 2011 were announced in March 2008, and provide funding to universities
rising to £150m per annum by the third year. Initially funding was allocated on a competitive
basis to stimulate ideas for novel activities, but it has increasingly moved to a formulaic basis
(using a formula based on existing income from business). A review of the impact of HEIF funding
will be completed in late 2008. One of the results of these policies has been the development
of specialised units in universities charged with stimulating interactions with business and this
report will discuss the extent to which they are able to fi ll the key role of “gatekeepers” identifi ed
in the discussion of our fi ndings.
The Research Councils have also become increasingly interested in evaluating the economic
impact of the research they support. They have always been accountable for ensuring that
research outcomes are exploited but until recently this has received little real focus. They
have for some time acted as sponsors of individual programmes such as Knowledge Transfer
Partnerships and in the case of the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC
the ‘Engineering Doctorate’. However the Warry Report (Research Councils Economic Impact
Group, 2006) concluded that their activities were fragmented and there was little meaningful
attempt to evaluate outcomes or share good practice.
2.2 Metrics and evaluation
The metrics that have been used in the evaluation process have to date refl ected a focus on
stimulating transactions. Since 2002 there has been a regular survey of interactions between
business, the community and universities. The Higher Education Business and Community
Interaction Survey (HE-BCI) has collated data from all HEI’s on the nature and extent of their
relationships with business. The metrics in the HE-BCI survey to which most prominence has been
given by policy makers and others are the transactions which refl ect a linear mode of technology
transfer – such as patents, licences and spin out companies.


université en ligne

May 9, 2010

The University of Ottawa has created an innovative scholarship service : a database that allows prospective and current students to search for scholarships for which they are eligible, and to apply for them online. Searchers create a personal and academic profile, which they can save on the site ; data from that profile is then checked against the criteria for scholarships in the database, and matching scholarships are displayed. Results can be sorted in ascending or descending order by scholarship name, value, and application deadline. Scholarships which have been viewed (or at least clicked on) by the user are marked as ’’read’’ — a useful feature when a sample search yields 122 hits, as a test search did. Results can also be sorted by ’’read’’ and ’’unread.’’ Users can save their profile on the site, edit it, and re-run the search as often as they wish.


Université de Californie du Sud

L'université de Californie du Sud est une université américaine privée située à Los Angeles. L'université a été fondée en 1880. Elle est considérée comme l'une des plus sélectives des États-Unis. Son budget est de 2,74 milliards de dollars.

Dans le domaine sportif, les USC Trojans défendent les couleurs de l'Université de Californie du Sud.

L'USC est réputée pour son école de cinéma, fondée en 1929. Elle a formé quelques-uns des grands noms du cinéma américain : Robert Zemeckis, Ron Howard ou George Lucas. La fondation de ce dernier a annoncé en septembre 2006 qu'elle ferait un don de 175 millions de dollars notamment pour construire ou rénover les bâtiments.

La présence de cette école de cinéma et la proximité de l'USC avec les studios de cinéma d'Hollywood ont fait que l'Université de la Californie méridionale a été utilisée dans de nombreuses productions cinématographiques, des publicités et des émissions. On y a souvent tourné les scènes censées se dérouler à l'Université Harvard ou à celle d'Oxford, utilisation rendue possible par l'aspect et l'architecture de l'université.


Université d'Afrique du Sud

L'Université d'Afrique du Sud est une importante université sud-africaine, basée initialement au Cap puis à Pretoria.

Fondée en 1873 comme la première université sud-africaine sous le nom d' University of the Cape of Good Hope (Université du Cap de Bonne-Espérance), avec comme devise latine spes in arduis. Le jeune Fernando A. N. Pessôa, alors installé à Durban chez son beau-père consul du Portugal, y obtint le Queen Victoria Memorial Prize en 1903 puis en 1904 l'Intermediate Examination in Arts (l'accès à l'université) : il quitta le Natal peu après pour le Portugal et ne poursuivit pas ses études universitaires.

Créée par la loi nº 16 de 1873 du Parlement du Cap, l'université était construite sur le modèle de celle de Londres. La reine Victoria reconnut ses statuts en 1877 en garantissant la reconnaissance de ses diplômes à travers la Grande-Bretagne et ses colonies. Rebaptisée University of South Africa en 1916, elle s'installa à Pretoria.


Université Northwestern

L’université du Northwestern est une université américaine située à Evanston en banlieue nord de Chicago, dans l'État de l'Illinois (É.-U.). Elle dispose d'un campus de 97 hectares sur les rives du lac Michigan. L'enseignement professionnel est localisé à Chicago, dans un campus de 10 hectares à proximité d'une des plus prestigieuses avenues de Chicago, la Michigan Avenue (surnommée The Magnificent Mile).

L'université de Northwestern est une des plus grandes universités des États-Unis. Le magazine Forbes la place souvent dans les dix premières universités du pays et le classement de Shanghai lui a attribué en 2007 la 30e place au niveau mondial. Plusieurs de ses écoles et notamment la Kellogg school of management et la Northwestern School of Law sont régulièrement placées dans les dix meilleures du pays au même titre que celles d'Harvard ou de Princeton.

Cette grande université est une des deux grandes universités de la ville de Chicago, à savoir l'université de Chicago et l'université de Northwestern. Elle compte près de 17 000 étudiants répartis sur deux campus. L'un dans la ville d'Evanston en banlieue nord de Chicago et l'autre au cœur même de la ville de Chicago.

Étudiants :

Au cours de l’année scolaire 2006-2007, l’université comptait 7976 étudiants et environ 1800 étudiants à temps partiel. La même année, 21 930 se sont présentés et seuls 5872 ont été admis. 26% de taux de réussite à l’examen.


New York Université Graduate École of Arts and Science

La New York University Graduate School of Arts and Science (ou GSAS) est l'une des quinze facultés de l'Université de New York à Manhattan. Elle a été fondée en 1886 par Henry Mitchell MacCracken, faisant ainsi de l'Université de New York la deuxième université américaine à accorder des doctorats (Ph.D.) sur la base de résultats académiques et d'un examen. Elle est abritée au sein du Silver Center, à proximité de Washington Square.

Bien qu'étant indépendant, le Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences est dans la pratique associé à la GSAS.

La faculté comporte plusieurs maisons internationales visant à encourager l'étude de langues et de cultures différentes, dont :

* Deutsches Haus
* La Maison Française
* Glucksman Irish House
* Casa Italiana
* King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center
* Hagop Kevorkian Center


Université de Washington

L’université de Washington (University of Washington ou UW), surnommée U-Dub par ses étudiants, est une grande université publique à Seattle, dans l'État de Washington. Elle est la plus grande université du nord-ouest des États-Unis, bien connue pour ses programmes de médecine, d’ingénierie, d’informatique, de sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques, et d’océanographie.

Elle fut fondée en 1861 et compte aujourd'hui 42 757 étudiants.

Sa mascotte est un husky. La plupart de ses rues et ses chemins tirent leurs noms des comtés de l'État de Washington.

Dans le domaine sportif, les Washington Huskies défendent les couleurs de l'université de Washington.


University Business School

May 8, 2010

Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) is the business school of the University of Nottingham, England situated on the university's Jubilee Campus. The current director of the business school is Professor Leigh Drake.

The business school was formed from the university's departments of industrial economics, accounting and insurance and its Institute of Management Studies. The school was originally known as the School of Management and Finance.
The 2008 Times Good University Guide ranked the School sixth among UK management schools. NUBS also ranks overall 28th in the world in the Aspen Institute's 2007 'Beyond Grey Pinstripes' Global Top 100; within this prestigious ranking's research category, Nottingham University Business School is placed 2nd in the world for their research into social, environmental, and ethical issues in management.


College and university rankings

The College and university rankings are lists of universities and liberal arts colleges in higher education, an order determined by any combination of factors. Rankings can be based on subjectively perceived "quality," on some combination of empirical statistics, or on surveys of educators, scholars, students, prospective students or others. Rankings are often consulted by prospective students and their parents in the university and college admissions process. In addition to rankings of institutions, there are also rankings of specific academic programs, departments, and schools. Rankings are conducted by magazines and newspapers and in some instances by academic practitioners. (See, for example, law school rankings in the United States.) Rankings may vary significantly from country to country.[citation needed] Colleges outside of the English speaking world are believed to have a distinct disadvantage.[citation needed][according to whom?] A Cornell University study found that the rankings in the United States significantly affected colleges' applications and admissions[1]. In the United Kingdom, several newspapers publish league tables which rank universities. There has been much debate since the late 1990s about both the usefulness and political correctness of college rankings in the United States. Some higher education experts, like Kevin Carey of Education Sector, have argued that such rankings as the U.S. News and World Report's college rankings system is merely a list of criteria that mirrors the superficial characteristics of elite colleges and universities. According to Carey, "[The] U.S. News ranking system is deeply flawed. Instead of focusing on the fundamental issues of how well colleges and universities educate their students and how well they prepare them to be successful after college, the magazine's rankings are almost entirely a function of three factors: fame, wealth, and exclusivity." He suggests that there are more important characteristics parents and students should research to select colleges, such as how well students are learning and how likely students are to earn a degree.


Université Duke

May 3, 2010

L'université Duke (en anglais, Duke University) est une université de recherche privée américaine, située à Durham (Caroline du Nord). L'université est nommé d'après la dynastie Duke, dont la fortune a été faite dans l'industrie du tabac (American Tobacco Company) et de l'électricité (Duke Power). Bien que l'université ne fut officiellement fondé qu'en 1924 (ses racines remontent jusqu'en 1838), elle compte parmi les universités les plus renommées du monde (13e au monde selon THES -QS World University Ranking). Fréquemment appelé la « Harvard du Sud », Duke est l'université la plus sélective du Sud des États-Unis (selon US News & World Report 2008). L'université est membre de l'Association of American Universities, une association qui, depuis 1900, regroupe les universités de recherches d'élite d'Amérique du Nord. Duke s'étend sur un campus de 38 km², regroupant 212 bâtiments, majoritairement de style néogothique (incluant Duke Forest et les jardins Sarah-P. Duke). Le Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy est un institut d'études politiques fondé en 1970 par le sénateur Terry Sanford.


Université de Clemson

L'Université de Clemson est une université publique, mixte et de recherche située à Clemson en Caroline du Sud aux États-Unis.

Fondé en 1889, l'Université est divisé en 5 domaines : l'architecture, les arts et les lettres ; l'économie et les sciences comportementales ; l'ingéniérie et les sciences ; la santé, l'Éducation et la psychologie du développement ; l'agriculture, sylviculture et la biologie.

L'université a actuellement 17 000 étudiants des 50 États et de 89 pays.


college life

May 2, 2010

ollege Life is a reality television program on MTV, about the day-to-day lives of eight University of Wisconsin-Madison freshmen, filmed on the campus of the University but without the cooperation thereof (a disclaimer is aired at the beginning of each episode stating that UW does not endorse the program). It debuted on April 13, 2009.

The premiere episode drew a 1.18 rating in the MTV network's target 12-34 demographic, and 1.16 million total viewers. Broadcasting & Cable reported that for a show this cheap to make, this was highly satisfactory to the network.


College football sports

College football refers to American football played by teams of student athletes fielded by American universities, colleges and military academies. It was through college play that American football first gained popularity in the United States.


Rice University athletics

May 1, 2010

William Marsh Rice University (commonly known as Rice University and opened in 1912 as The William Marsh Rice Institute for the Advancement of Letters, Science and Art) is a private coeducational research university located in Houston, Texas, United States. Its campus is located near the Houston Museum District and adjacent to the Texas Medical Center.

The student body consists of over 3,000 undergraduate, 897 post-graduate, and 1,247 doctoral students, and awarded 1,448 degrees in 2007.[4] The university employs 611 full-time faculty and 396 part-time or adjunct faculty members in 2007.[2] Rice has a very high level of research activity and had $77.2 million in sponsored research funding in 2007.[8] Rice is noted for its applied science programs in the fields of nanotechnology,[9] artificial heart research, structural chemical analysis, and space science. Rice was elected to the Association of American Universities in 1985.[10] The university is organized into eight schools offering 40 undergraduate degree programs,[11] 51 masters programs, and 29 doctoral programs.[12][13]

Rice opened in 1912 as a coeducational institution with free tuition. The university was founded several years after the murder of its namesake, the prominent Houston businessman William Marsh Rice, who left a $4.6 million ($111 million in current dollars) funding endowment in his will. It is listed as one of thirty Hidden Ivies and as one of Newsweek's "New Ivies". Rice University is currently ranked 17th in the United States according to the 2010 US News and World Report.[14][15]


George Washington University (GW)

The George Washington University (GW, GWU, or George Washington) is a private, coeducational comprehensive research university located in Washington, D.C. The university was chartered by an Act of Congress on February 9, 1821 as The Columbian College in the District of Columbia. It is the largest university in the nation's capital. It is renowned for its programs in international affairs, political science, and journalism.



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