Education transformed At UCLA

May 12, 2010

Education transformed. At UCLA, students
and faculty work together to energize and
rejuvenate the communities in which they
live. The challenges and rewards of a UCLA
education attract students with exceptional
levels of academic preparation
and intense interests in intellectual and
personal growth. UCLA students make up
one of the world’s most ethnically diverse
groups and the largest student body in the
UC system, creating a truly innovative and
vibrant campus.

UCLA offers renowned undergraduate programs in every principal
academic fi eld — some 130 undergraduate majors in 109 academic
departments with 5,000 courses. Undergraduates may select an academic
program from the College of Letters and Science, Henry Samueli
School of Engineering and Applied Science, School of the Arts and Architecture,
School of Nursing, and School of Theater, Film, and Television.
Most of the undergraduate programs are housed in the College of Letters
and Science, which is organized into divisions of social sciences,
life sciences, physical sciences and humanities.
Students may augment their coursework by participating in the
Honors Program, small seminars and discussion-oriented classes,
research, community service projects, internships and study abroad
programs.Open to all students, the Honors Collegium creates a community
atmosphere in small, interdisciplinary courses. It encourages
extensive interaction between students and faculty across campus,
including the graduate professional schools. More than 75 collegium
courses are offered each year.
Many UCLA students conduct important, publishable research in collaboration
with senior faculty, often as early as their freshman year.
Two undergraduate research centers — one for humanities and social
sciences, the other for life sciences and physical sciences — help undergraduates
identify mentors from every discipline.
UCLA’s international studies programs are among the most diverse of
any American university. The UCLA International Institute comprises
24 multidisciplinary centers that focus on major regions of the world
and global issues that cut across regional boundaries. Each year more
than 600 UCLA students participate in the Education Abroad Program.
More than 4,000 scholars and scientists make up the UCLA faculty,
which includes fi ve Nobel laureates, as well as Guggenheim fellows,
recognized for distinguished research and exceptional promise for the
future, and MacArthur fellows, recipients of “genius grants” recognizing
intellectual creativity and promise. UCLA faculty are distinguished
members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, National
Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Science and the Institute
of Medicine.
Making the community a better place through public service, UCLA
students work as mentors to disadvantaged children, as tutors in literacy
projects and as volunteers in myriad community endeavors.
Undergraduates can even minor in Civic Engagement or Disability
Studies. Internship and fi eld of study programs, such as the Washington,
D.C., Internship Program, provide valuable hands-on experience.


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